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Our selection of #IPNEWS and articles

1.      Cloud Service Providers and the active role in communicating online digital contents


2.      May #hashtags safely rely on trademark protection?






3.      I know what I like and I know when I taste it. Cheese flavour cannot be “copyrighted” (nor registered as a trademark)



For a review of the AG Opinion take a look at:

4.      EU court reverses Heineken trademark decision


5.      Levi Strauss Fights for Trademark on Pocket TabSamsung convinces EUIPO to invalidate ‘smart’ TM





6.      Trademarks: the limits to a MONSTER’s reach in Singapore



7.      Whole visible surface or predominant colour? Cadbury's plays spot the series mark





8.      Building a Long Term Brand Protection solution - the Lego story [Part 3]


On the “Lego saga”, check out the case “Best-Lock”:


And its related comments:



9.       Are Trademark Licensees Protected in A Licensor Bankruptcy?


10.  Ex Machina, Ex Auctore? Machines that create and how EU copyright law views them



11.  More than one milion of counterfeit contact lens have been seized by the Italian Guardia di Finanza


12.  Around 5 quintals of fireworks have been found in a deposit close to Naples
