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Our selection of IPNEWS and articles

1.      Let’s Get It On...Trial - Another Copyright Infringement Case for Ed Sheeran




2.      3D printing and IP law: current challenges and future perspectives




-         For an analysis of the impact on mass manufactory check out:

3.      Innovating for the whole world: IP’s role in development


4.      Trademark Industry Trends to Watch in 2019


5.      BIC files infringement complaints for pocket lighters



6.      Vans suing retailer Primark for “Intentional copies” of its trainers





7.      Chinese Regime Establishes Supreme Court Body to Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes





8.      Legalizing Graffiti: Chilean Chamber of Deputies says YES!


9.      Hakuna Matata - can companies really trademark a phrase like that?




10.  For the First Time in 21 Years, Copyrighted Works Enter the Public Domain: ‘The drought is over’




11.  Japan protects artists with new 70 year Copyright laws





12.  A massive amount of counterfeit fireworks has been seized by the Italian Guardia di Finanza:


